

Od ukupno 9.035 ubistava

# Tim Vreme Vreme % Ubistava Ubistva % Smrti Smrti % Ups
1 The BLU 30d 15:21h 50% 4.410 49% 4.632 51% 0.95
2 The RED 30d 07:47h 50% 4.625 51% 4.396 49% 1.05
3 Spectator 0d 05:54h 0% - 0% - 0% 0.00


Od ukupno 9.043 ubistava

# Tim Vreme Vreme % Ubistava Ubistva % Smrti Smrti % Ups
1 scout 12d 08:04h 20% 1.893 21% 1.807 20% 1.05
2 demoman 7d 21:53h 13% 1.296 14% 1.183 13% 1.10
3 spy 7d 18:59h 13% 742 8% 983 11% 0.75
4 pyro 6d 21:37h 11% 1.119 12% 1.268 14% 0.88
5 soldier 6d 19:11h 11% 1.254 14% 953 11% 1.32
6 sniper 6d 18:56h 11% 1.095 12% 1.259 14% 0.87
7 engineer 6d 11:00h 11% 849 9% 759 8% 1.12
8 heavyweapons 3d 17:30h 6% 627 7% 489 5% 1.28
9 medic 2d 08:50h 4% 168 2% 331 4% 0.51