

Od ukupno 6.660.056 ubistava

# Tim Vreme Vreme % Ubistava Ubistva % Smrti Smrti % Ups
1 The RED 8y 243d 00:20h 50% 3.344.314 50% 3.329.544 50% 1.00
2 The BLU 8y 237d 13:48h 49% 3.315.737 50% 3.355.884 50% 0.99
3 Spectator 65d 15:58h 1% 5 0% - 0% 0.00


Od ukupno 6.655.464 ubistava

# Tim Vreme Vreme % Ubistava Ubistva % Smrti Smrti % Ups
1 soldier 3y 303d 17:50h 22% 1.452.158 22% 1.392.383 21% 1.04
2 scout 2y 279d 14:00h 16% 1.173.111 18% 1.137.607 17% 1.03
3 demoman 2y 177d 23:37h 14% 1.014.943 15% 947.371 14% 1.07
4 spy 2y 95d 23:09h 13% 781.751 12% 870.601 13% 0.90
5 pyro 2y 45d 11:59h 12% 898.001 13% 792.482 12% 1.13
6 sniper 2y 19d 02:16h 12% 781.493 12% 894.649 13% 0.87
7 heavyweapons 326d 16:39h 5% 328.047 5% 264.616 4% 1.24
8 engineer 201d 12:27h 3% 141.884 2% 205.594 3% 0.69
9 medic 174d 06:04h 3% 84.076 1% 176.187 3% 0.48